Passion Project 2 – Amazing Dog Tricks Video
I’ll be showing my class this video during my PP 2 presentation. video credit: Akim – Australian Shepherd
History of Softball
Finding MLK
I am so glad it is 2017 now because 2016 was kind of boring to me. One thing that I want to do in 2017 is go to the World Series and win because we already went to it and got 4th. I also want to be able to do front flip on the trampoline […]
Rememberance Day
Why would the Japanese do that to Americans for no reason? They made us have to be in another war,and we lost a lot people that day. We lost a lot of people during World War 1 ,and we don’t need anymore people dying. I was really sad for the people who lost their lives […]
Christmas Couplets
A is for antler that reindeer wear, When they land on the there .
The Kid Who Ran for President
The Kid Who Ran for President is about this 12 year old boy and his friend who wants him to run for president.I liked the book a lot because how could a kid my age run for president, and why did they even let him run.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week began after the kidnapping, torture and brutal murder of the Dug Enforcement Adminstration (DEA) Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena in 1985. Soon, representives of the Mexican Federal Juderal Police presented a tip to DEA Agents claiming that Agent Camarena had been mistakenly kidnapped by a man of three sons. The following year the […]
S-step away T-tell an aduit O-okay sites first P-pause and think online